Kuvassa Mila hymyilee ja teksti "Mighty Mila"

Introducing: Mighty Mila

...to introduce both the writer and the illustrator of the book and find out where and how they got their inspiration for Mighty Mila. Jos haluat lukea tekstin suomeksi, voit... Jatka lukemista: Introducing: Mighty Mila
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Picture text: "Early information and hearing rehabilitation: Ada's story". Underneath is LapCI ry's logo and two pictures, one with Ada's drawing and one where Ada is drawing.

Early information and hearing rehabilitation: Ada’s story

...forest and looking for fairies and who loves being part of everything we do. She asks millions of questions about life around her and is at times so observant that... Jatka lukemista: Early information and hearing rehabilitation: Ada’s story
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LapCI – The Finnish Association of Cochlear Implant Recipient Children

LapCI ry was founded in 1999 by a group of parents. The aim is to support children with cochlear implants (CI) and their families throughout Finland. All the action starts from the parents and the children themselves. Currently, the

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Opinion: Paradigm shift to a new CI identity

...need to campaign for this identity, and support and embrace all of its different aspects, positive and negative alike.   Ali Ghiasi To sum up my point: Don’t forget to support the right... Jatka lukemista: Opinion: Paradigm shift to a new CI identity
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Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Theory of mind in day to day conversation 

Elizabeth Tyszkiewicz LSLS Cert. AVT 

A parent gives her 18-month old toddler a sip of a drink, and the child makes a face. The parent says Oh! You don’t like that, you didn’t think it was going

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Guest Writer: Robert Mandara, new 1st Vice-President of EURO-CIU.

The Annual EURO-CIU Symposium was held in Wroclaw, Poland this year and Robert Mandara from Finland was selected to the board of the association. LapCI ry is a member or the EURO-CIU and works together with the European Cochlear

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Kuvassa teksti "LapCI ry´s new chairman Ali Ghiasi". Alhaalla Lapci ry logo.

Introducing LapCI’s new chairman Ali

...daughter went under the CI surgery because we needed solace and support; and those we got and more! So, for the past 5 years I have been involved in board’s activities one... Jatka lukemista: Introducing LapCI’s new chairman Ali
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Asiantuntija-artikkeli: Musiikkikasvatuksen mahdollisuudet kuulovammaisen lapsen puheen oppimisen tukena

Laura Huhtinen-Hildén ja Ritva Torppa

Jokaisella ihmisellä on omat polkunsa musiikissa ja taiteissa, niiden ilossa ja ilmaisussa. Nämä polut kuuluvat kokonaisvaltaiseen oppimiseen ja yhteisölliseen, luovaan toimintaan osana hyvää elämää. Musiikin poluille löytäminen on yksi musiikkikasvatuksen päätehtäviä. Käsittelemme tässä artikkelissa

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Ulkomailla opiskelun ABC: Tietopaketti kuulovammaisille nuorille

...noise-blocking materials on the walls? If not, how is acoustic accessibility taken into consideration during classes?  Are exchange students/foreign students allowed to use dictionaries during exams?   Is it possible to... Jatka lukemista: Ulkomailla opiskelun ABC: Tietopaketti kuulovammaisille nuorille
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Haluatko kertoa sisäkorvaistutekuntoutuksesta Suomessa?

Saimme viestiä amerikkalaiselta tutkijalta, professori Michele Friednerilta Chicagosta. Hän on itse englantia puhuva SI-käyttäjä, joka osaa myös amerikkalaista viittomakieltä. Michele on tehnyt kahdeksan vuoden ajan tutkimusta sisäkorvaistutteiden käytöstä kehitysmaissa ja perehtynyt erityisesti Intian tilanteeseen. Michele olisi erittäin kiinnostunut kuulemaan

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